At the moment we do not charge any fees from our customers! In addition, for our part, we are doing our best to preserve the absence of fees in the future. This business model is the most profitable for the customer - the absence of fees for conducting operations makes the trading opportunities on GetBTC truly unlimited.
I / O from the internal account: Free of charge.
The minimum transaction amount on GetBTC is $ 0.50.
Conversion order: GetBTC offers opportunities to conduct trades in 30 different currencies. Our service guarantees the provision of optimal market conditions for each of the currencies. Orders for other currencies are converted against the currency of your choice at a cost. This is done until the natural market arises in other, less used currencies.
The cost of each of these transformations is already included in the applications, which are displayed in the logbook. Accordingly, when carrying out such operations, there will be no "pitfalls" in the form of hidden commissions or other payments. In addition, you can look at the application in national currency at any convenient moment - just move the cursor to the mark of the exchange, which is near the price of the application.