Information about fees
Fees: Fee for the deal - 0.20% Input: Perfect Money - 5% Alfa Bank - 3% Other Bank - 5% AC3 - 0.001 AC3 ACC - 0 ACC ADL - 0 ADL ANGEL - 0 ...
Чт, 27 Дек, 2018 на 11:30 AM
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is the most widely used crypto currency in the world. Its program code is open-source, payments within the system are not controlled by any state in...
Чт, 28 Сен, 2017 на 9:36 AM
How does Bitcoin work?
How to get started?      Everyone can register and send payments - understanding the technical details of crypto currency is not needed here. After install...
Чт, 28 Сен, 2017 на 9:42 AM
How does GetBTC work?
Our currency exchange has a simple and user friendly  interface for the convenience of each of the customer. To start working on our service you need to com...
Чт, 28 Сен, 2017 на 9:49 AM
Contact us
Did you have any questions about the work of our currency exchange? You can get the necessary consultations by filling out the feedback form. If you need t...
Чт, 28 Сен, 2017 на 9:50 AM
Start of work
How to register for working on GetBTC? You need to complete a simple registration to use all the GetBTC functionality. It should be noted, that before crea...
Чт, 28 Сен, 2017 на 9:55 AM
What is Bitcoin?   Bitcoin is a modern payment system, which is disseminated all over the world. The the program software has open-source code. The first v...
Чт, 28 Сен, 2017 на 10:52 AM
User Agreement
User Agreement The User Agreement defines the conditions for the use of the website materials and services https://getbtc.org/ by the user 1.General te...
Ср, 11 Апр, 2018 на 9:59 AM
Cash input
If the Russian Federation Interest - 2% Alfa Bank cashin 40817840808170005259 dollars 40817810108170037106 rubles If we have the code, we will forward i...
Вт, 9 Янв, 2018 на 9:37 AM
TradeBot F.A.Q.
1) What is a trading robot? -Trading robot is a certain algorithm of actions in conjunction with a particular strategy. Literally: this is the mechanis...
Чт, 28 Сен, 2017 на 10:23 AM